Other musings

The following is a collection of some of my writings over the years on topics unrelated to my academic work. The opinions expressed here are solely mine. They should not be interpreted as views held or endorsed by any institution I am currently affiliated to or any institution I have been affiliated with in the past.

Russia debate speech

16 May 2022

This was the speech from an unsuccessful audition I gave to participate as a speaker in a Cambridge Union debate proposing the motion, ‘this house believes Russia is a distraction.’

Download from here

Some doom mongering

17 February 2022

This is a copy of the speech I gave in a Cambridge Union emergency debate proposing the (somewhat hysterical) motion, ‘this house believes we’re doomed.’

Download from here

Republic debate speech

07 February 2022

This was the speech from an unsuccessful audition I gave to participate as a speaker in a Cambridge Union debate opposing the motion, ‘this house would rather have a queen than a president.’

Download from here